
D-Flip-Flop: VLSI Design

D-Flip-Flop in Master & Slave configuration using Preset & Clear, designed and simulated in Cadence Virtuoso with full standard-cell library/snap-together layout. Final project for Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI).


ADS-B Flight Tracker

Using an RTL-SDR & an open source software called "Dump1090", flights within a local area were tracked. The main goal of this project is to manually decode various ADS-B signals received by the RTL-SDR and analyze the algorithms used by Dump1090 to decode.


32-Bit ARM Processor

Verilog-designed 32-bit ARM processor, featuring 32 x 64-bit general purpose registors and 255 x 64-bit data memory registers. Consists of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit, Program Counter, Random Access Memory (RAM), and Read-Only Memory (ROM). Designed in Intel Quartus Prime.



PCB design project utilizing three oscillator circuits: Tone Drone Oscillator, Astable Multivibrator, & BJT Phase Shift Oscillator. Additionally all three oscillators are summed together and connected to a mixer to listen to. In addition to the Altium development, the class was taught PCB design.


Combination Lock

Combination lock designed with Intel Quartus Prime Lite with Block Level Schematic and using a DE-10 Lite FPGA.


Thrust Vector Control System

Embedded system consisting of STM32 microcontroller, 6-axis gyroscope and 2 servos along with mechanical design. Designed to stabilize trajectory of a model rocket based on gyroscope readings and report flight statistics.


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